When is this world going to learn ? Below is the latest release after another attack by a Muslim extremist who is so brave that he murdered a baby of 2 years of age a long with a man, injuring 2 others. It's obvious that these people have no interest in integrating & all they want to do is create fear in non believers of the Muslim faith. Please believe me, I'm in no way, shape, or form a racist or promote race hate, but time & time again, it's Muslim men, usually illegal immigrants who travelled to our countries to carry out these atrocioucities. The police & security services release statements such as we are not certain this is a terrorist attack. 💔 This is only my opinion & I have no intention to cause any upset or ill feeling. The citizens of this world are being poorly served by our police & security services 😢. I pray for these innocent victims 🙏🏻📿💔 ...
Mz Kimee Anderson Official
Oooooeeee Louisiana looks cold❄️❄️
Hope everyone is staying safe and warm…. Cyndi I know your nose isn’t cold 😁
This is what's regarded as policing in the UK 🇬🇧, the piece of shit below killed 3 innocent babies, all under the age of 10 years of age. To me, they are babies, I will be 62 this year. he injured 10 other babies again, all under the age of 10. The Merseyside Police have moved the family of this piece of shit for their safety, while during the summer, the same Police Force threatened the parents & supporters they would be arrested for protesting. They were branded far right racist. There were no reports of any illegal immigrants injured in these demonstrations. The demonstrations were labelled far right demonstrations. #JusticeforHailey ...